
COVID Tests; Every 24 Hrs or every 48 Hrs? What’s the Difference?


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They have a kind of urgency to their gait. More so than for when they go to get the milk. Yep, it’s those heading for a COVID test. Easy to spot; often complete families who would not otherwise see the light of day together.

As we start to confront the idea that COVID happened 3 years ago, it’s become a kind of “assume the position” situation in China of late. To the degree that we also presume we shall be joining that-dreaded queue at some point every day. 

In Nanjing, tests were conducted for pretty much everyone for the period from 15-22 October, pretty much coinciding with the 20th National Congress.

Mercifully, we then got a break. But just for a day. And now we are back at it. For some, it is for-sure much longer, but give or take, this is a-half hour of your (productive) day that’s being taken way from you. We won’t dwell on the economics of this here.

But we could talk about the endless businesses shuttered, the look in the eyes of those putting a swab into their thousandth person today. It’s amazing they can still focus.

Still, there is the reality that Nanjing reported 13 locally transmitted asymptomatic carriers and one confirmed case of COVID this Tuesday, 25 October, says China Daily.

One might say it’s no big deal. Either way, we have to look on the bright side, right?

Have a fun look around you to observe the COVID-test-queue etiquette. And some of the patterns that emerge over time.

Recognise that girl putting a swab in your mouth? That’s because she’s been there before. With only so many of them and so many of us foreigners, it’s inevitable that we chance upon each other more than once. 

Then that guy in front of her just hands you his phone and tells you to input the data yourself. Yes, that’s basically down to, “You didn’t tell Facebook your actual birthday, did you?”.

Next, a funny one because it dates back to the dawn of COVID. There, I said it, the “dawn of COVID”. 

Yes folks, it’s the “1-metre rule”. We’re taking about those yellow markings, in place and considered once critical when a not particulary-infectious variant of COVID was virulent, but now utterly ignored by all. The lines which have in the most faded into the pavement so as the “1米” is but almost a memory.

Then there are the grannies. And others who feel entitled to their jumping the line:

This Correspondent: “Er, this is, like, a queue”.

Middle-aged Woman: “I’m here to help the old person up ahead”.

This Correspondent: “How they get there so fast?”.

On many levels, a COVID test every 2 days (please) makes a lot of sense. In theory, everyone will therefore have a 48-hour-COVID-negative-test result (that was a long one) within reach at any point. Wanna take the bus, the metro, go to that mall? You’re covered.

Depressing it may be, but at least most freedoms are still afforded us. All we have to do is go through the motions and assume the position. 

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