
Wifi to cover major scenic spots in Nanjing


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Five major scenic areas including the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum and Confucius Temple will offer wifi service this year, according to Jin Weidong, supervisor of Nanjing Tourism Committee in a pep rally to boost tour service quality on May 8.

The pep rally aims to solve problems in the city’s tour service and create a better environment for the coming Nanjing Asia Youth Games.
Wifi service will be first offered in five major scenic spots, said Jin. “They are namely the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, the Presidential Palace, Confucius Temple, Xuanwu Lake and Yuejiang Tower.”
By 2014, Wifi network will then expand to all 12 scenic regions that are ranked 4A and above, a domestic quality assurance guide. Besides, Nanjing will place unified road signs with correct translation on tour-related roads within the city’s ring road, and offer “AYG tour” services.

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