
Stick-fighting grandmaster Vince Palumbo visits Yangzhou


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Vince Palumbo, a world-renowned grandmaster of stick-fighting, is visiting Yangzhou now. Though Vince is over 50 years old, he is as strong and energetic as those fitness athletes in their 30s.

Vince started to learn fighting at the age of eight. At the age of 15, he started training in Karate and when he turned 20, he began to learn stick-fighting. He has won over 30 world champions. A short rattan truncheon seems powerless but Vincecan make it powerful with his ever-changing techniques.

Vince met with Tu Hailong, director of Yangzhou Hailong Martial Arts Center during a study trip in Shanghai last year. Now he came to Yangzhou at the invitation of Tu Hailong.

Vince said that Yangzhou is a beautiful city and he hopes he can visit Yangzhou every year so that fans of martial arts in the city can learn more about rattan truncheon of the Philippines. He also hopes to establish rattan truncheon training centers in Yangzhou and other cities in China.

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