

China Educational Robot Contest kicks off in Nanjing

The 5th China Educational Robot Contest unveiled in Jiulonghu Campus of Southeast University in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province, Nov. 14. Over 600 contestants of 200 teams from Southeast University, Nanjing University, Hunan University and other famous domestic universities...

Wuxi sets up Esperanto association

The city of Wuxi, Jiangsu province hosted a conference entitled Establishment of Wuxi Esperanto Association & First Council Election in Wuxi New District, on Nov 8. The Wuxi Esperanto Association is a non-profit organization founded by local Esperanto enthusiasts,...

The Xiangqi-loving Germans

The Jiangsu International Cultural Exchange Center and Jiangsu Association of Chess Sports held a special match on Nov 8, at which eight Xiangqi players from Germany and Britain played against the joint team of Jiangsu Xiangqi Academy and Nanjing...

Commodities cleaned out on Singles’ Day

November 11th witnesses the annual biggest and nationwide shopping event, since all stores, both online and physical ones, provide the most favorable discounts this very day. Accordingly, the volumn of delivery packages has been sharply inceased during this period....

Autumn paints platanus acerifolia in E China’s Nanjing

Photo taken on Nov. 11, 2015 shows scenery of yellow leaves of platanus acerifolia in Nanjing City, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province. (Source:

15 Dutch teens visit families in Huai’an

15 Dutch teens began their exchange tour in China on Nov 11. It will the first time for them to make dumplings and have soybean milk. These teens from Dutch Derunwanpudun Middle School live in 15 families in Huai’an...

Hybrid of Sino-British weaving cultures conceived

What would happen when two totally different weaving cultures of China and Scotland are mixed into one piece of fabric? A TV documentary will perfectly answer the question. On the opening ceremony of the documentary on November 1st, Nanjing...

20 finless porpoises appear in Nanjing Yangtze River Basin

Seven volunteers from Nanjing Finless Porpoises Protection Association came to the water basin 3.5 kilometers away from Qianzhou Island where the finless porpoises are often spotted, and observed their activities on Nov 1. A volunteer found two finless porpoises...
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News Snippets from Jiangsu