
Nanjing Museum to re-open in November


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Nanjing Museum will open again on Nov 6 after 4 years’ expansion and renovation, which will give visitors a refreshing impression.   

The new Nanjing Museum will have 6 pavilions, namely, the pavilion of history and pavilion of art which existed before, and museum of Republic of China, pavilion of intangible cultural heritage, digital museum and special pavilion which were newly added. When it is re-opened, the famous cultural relics unearthed during scores of renowned archeological excavations by Nanjing Museum, as well as jade clothes sewn with gold wire, restored tomb with paintings in Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD), the stone sculptures during Six Dynasties (229-589), golden seal of Emperor Guangling, the Jade Book of Sorrow of No 2 Tomb of the Southern Tang Dynasty (937-975) and many other national treasures will be exhibited, which will be a feast for the eyes of visitors who are interested in Jiangsu history.   

In addition, in order to attract more young visitors, the bone fossils of prehistoric animals like dinosaurs, mammoths, Megaloceros Pachyosteus, equus przewalskii and sea lilies will be on display.   

According to Wang Qizhi, deputy director of the museum, there is a small theater at the museum to show intangible cultural heritage, such as Kunqu opera.   

The new museum will be free of admission and will not limit visitor flow. What’s more, the museum has enough parking lots. When you walk into the old main hall, “It is not necessary to hold an umbrella whether it is rainy or hot. All the pavilions are connected with each other through underground paths,” said Gong, director of the museum.

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