
Nanjing builds world’s largest photovoltaic carport


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The photovoltaic carport in Nanjing Branch of Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd was certified by Guinness World Records as the world’s largest integrated photovoltaic carport on Mar 26. This carport is located in West Shengtai Road at Jiangning District. Photovoltaic panels were mounted on top of the carport.

The carport is about 200,000 square meters, equivalent to 20 football fields and it can hold up to 4,466 cars. Xia Yu from the State Grid Nanjing Power Supply Company said that the annual generating capacity of this carport is 11.2 million kWh. Since December 2013 when the carport was put into operation, a total of 14.13 million kWh of electricity has been generated, saving a total of 5,652 tons of standard coal and emissions of 14,090 tons of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases.

The solar panels on the top of the carport will transport the power through the combiner box in the bottom and then transfer to the inverter to turn DC into AC. And finally the power goes through the booster which will turn the voltage to 10 kV so that it can be delivered to the power grid.

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