
Manipulate aircraft with ‘thought’


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Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics held the 4th “Tiangong Cup” Postgraduate Innovation Experiment Competition on Dec 22, positively responded by 51 projects, covering such fields as aviation, information communication, material and chemical engineering and artistic creation.

A small-sized quadcopter took off under manipulation by a NAUU student with “thought”, glutting audiences’ eyes.

“Thought” here refers to brain wave. “Current change and blood flow on the scalp can be detected by brain wave sensor. Then we can manipulate object movements based on characteristics of brain wave”, said Jin Hui, postgraduate of NAUU College of Energy and Power Engineering.

After sticking a dry electrode on the forehead and clamping ears with two ear clips, brain wave signal can be collected via these three fixed points.

The team also specially researched and developed software to set degree of concentration ranging from 0 to 100. Corresponding to accelerator, such degree of concentration can control takeoff speed.

The quadcopter can hover for two to three minutes under manipulation with “thought” by experiment.

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