
Lawsuit against Baidu’s invasion of privacy loses


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In May this year, the Nanjing Intermediate People’s Court second ruled the second trial of a lawsuit by Nanjing’s citizen Ms Zhu (a pseudonym) against Baidu’s privacy invasion. The court determined that Baidu used cookie technology to provide users with personalized advertising recommendation service and this does not constitute for user privacy violation. It is reported that this is the first case on cookie technology and privacy protection.

As early as in 2013, Ms Zhu found that Baidu’s search engine recorded and tracked her online search content, a violation of personal privacy. So Ms. Zhusuited Baidu to a district court in Nanjing. After the first trial, the court ruled that Baidu violated the privacy of users and Baidu needed to issue an apology to Ms Zhu and compensate for Ms Zhu’s 1,000-yuan notary fee.

After the verdict, Baidu appealed its conviction to the Nanjing Intermediate People’s Court. The courtruled that Baidu has done its obligation to remind the user and Baidu’s behavior didn’t cause real damage to the plaintiff, and the court revoked the original judgment and dismissed all of the claims by Ms Zhu.

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