
Jiangsu to clearly-mark prices from 1 July


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The enforcing of policy over clearly-marked prices is scheduled to be put into effect across Jiangsu province from 1st July 1, 2013, it was announced at a press conference held by Price Bureau of Jiangsu Province on 15th Jan.

Aimed at putting an end to price fraud and rebuilding business integrity, the new policy will be implemented in all regions across the province after having being piloted in test sites for a year.

By the end of 2012, more than 4,500 enterprises (including retail stores) have been involved in the pilot project, from various industries such as general retail, household appliance, supermarket chain, pharmacy and gasoline stations.

The policies determining the nature and punishment for violations clearly stipulates that people committing a price fraud or violating the regulations of clearly-marked prices will be fined

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