
Jiangsu H7N9 patient dies in Taiwan


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A H7N9 avian flu patient from China’s Jiangsu province died on Monday in Taipei, Taiwan’s disease control authority said on Tuesday.

The 86-year-old man from Changzhou City in Jiangsu tested positive for the H7N9 virus during a trip to Taiwan in late December.

This was the second confirmed case in which H7N9 had been imported into Taiwan.

None of the people who had close contacts with him, including his family members, tour guide, driver, medical worker and patients in the same ward, have tested positive for the virus, according to the local disease control authority.

China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission said earlier this month that a large-scale H7N9 epidemic is unlikely, despite scores of cases reported nationwide this year. The current cases are scattered, and no mutation of the virus has been identified so far that could affect public health, according to the commission.

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