
Jiangsu boosts grid-connected residential solar rooftop system


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While renewable energy systems are capable of powering houses and small businesses without any connection to the electricity grid, many people prefer the advantages that grid-connection offers. A man surnamed Cai has his story.

Cai is one of the earliest residents in Nanjing who have installed the grid-connected residential solar rooftop system. On his rooftop, a total of more than 70 square meters of photovoltaic panels are installed with the capacity reaching 7.2 kilowatts.

The grid-connected system allows him to power his home with renewable energy during those periods when the sun is shining, the water is running, or the wind is blowing. Any excess electricity you produce is fed back into the grid where it is consumed by other users. When renewable resources are unavailable, electricity from the grid supplies his needs, eliminating the expense of electricity storage devices like batteries.

Since the installation of the grid-connected system in August 2014, the power generation capacity has exceeded 21,000 kilowatt hours, of which 30% were reserved for own use and 70% fed back into the grid. Three years later, he has earned nearly 20,000 yuanfrom the grid-connected system.

In addition, power providers allow net metering, an arrangement where the excess electricity generated by grid-connected renewable energy systems “turns back” your electricity meter as it is fed back into the grid. If you use more electricity than your system feeds into the grid during a given month, you pay your power provider only for the difference between what you used and what you produced.

In the city of Nanjing, no more than ten households had installed the grid-connected photovoltaic power system by the end of 2013. Over the past years, the grid-connected system has gained growing popularity, as is evidenced by the installation of the grid-connected photovoltaic power system in 1357 households.

According to forecast statistics, photovoltaic power generation in Nanjing will reach 85.42 million kilowatt hours this year with 13.63 million kilowatt hours contributed by grid-connected residential solar power system, equaling the electricity generated by consuming 34,000 tons of coal and the reduction of 85,000 tons carbon dioxide emission.

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