
Use of government vehicles banned during holidays


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Nanjing municipal government recently held a clean government meeting setting out detailed requirements for clean government construction and civil servants at all levels.

As regards to official vehicles management, Nanjing municipal government forbids the use of over-standard official cars and official cars during holidays or for private purposes. Using or renting private companies’ or affiliated units’ cars is also not allowed. The spending on buying and maintaining government vehicles should only be cut rather than being raised.

In terms of government spending, the municipal government specified this year’s saving budgets. No public-funded inter-department dining is allowed, no public-funded dining should be arranged during public events or business meetings. For necessary entertaining, high-end dishes or drinks are not allowed and numbers of participants should be strictly controlled. Business receptions should mainly consist of simple meals or business meals and no waste is allowed. This year’s fund for Party’s and government offices’ receptions at municipal level will be cut by at least 5 percent, so is the budget for this year’s meetings. Besides, the fund for 2013 overseas trips should be kept from growing.

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