
French artist portraits Nanjing


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A new series of Christian Poirot’s oil paintings on Nanjing was exhibited at Nanjing Art Museum on June 25.

The paintings depict the scenery of Confucius Temple, Gaochun Old Street, Mochou Lake, Purple Mountain and other famous landmarks in Nanjing. “Nanjing is very beautiful, very livable, I really want to stay here,” said the French painter.

Poirot once created a painting titled “Deliverance” to expose the atrocities committed by the Japanese army in Nanjing in 1937. The gigantic painting measures 7.46 meters in width and 2.35 meters in height. In 2015, Poirot donated the painting to the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders to commemorate the victims of the Nanjing Massacre and to call for world peace.

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