
Chinese amorous feeling in Brussels


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The original opera The Canal themed on “Experiencing China, the Journey of Jiangsu Culture in Europe” was performed in the Cirque Royal Theatre, Brussels, invited by the Chinese Mission to the European Union, on the night of July 7.

This activity was one of the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Europe and guests from the EU and Belgium all attended this performance.

All parts of the opera, from the story, music and singing to costumes and stage design, represent the highest level of Chinese opera. The Chinese ancient story is expressed in the form of western opera, which makes the opera easier to be accepted by westerners and is one of the best ways for Chinese culture to communicate with the world.

Apart from the opera, the exhibition of Grand Canal pictures and exhibition activities of inheritors’ programs of intangible cultural heritages along the canal were also very popular. Through the Nantong blueprint cloth, Suzhou embroidery, Wuxi clay figurine and Changzhou Liuqing bamboo carving, European audiences have appreciated the unique charms of Chinese traditional culture.

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