
Baking For Autism


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A charity program named “Biscuit from the Stars” was launched in Changzhou to encourage more to pay attention to adults with autism. The program also helps to promote the training and employment of autistic adults. Children with autism are often called “Children of the stars” in Chinese. The cause of autism is currently unknown and there is no cure. This does not mean, that people suffering from autism cannot live fulfilled lives. 

The charity program plans to hold a charity bazzar to sell a total of four kinds of biscuits. These biscuits are made by autistic people from Changzhou Tianxi’er Baking Center. The money made through the charity sale will be used for the rehabilitation of children with autism in Changzhou.

Changzhou Tianxi’er Baking Center is the first platform in China specifically designed for the training and employment of autistic adults. Currently a total of 20 adults with autism have found jobs in the center. The center also provides specific skills training for children with autism.

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