
The Philosopher

Episode 1A; A Confucian Morning

Imagine yourself sitting cross-legged with the master Kongzi (Confucius), outdoors in his garden pavilion, watery sunlight filtering through the trees. After some time, he turns to you and says, “This is ‘The Way’ and it is indisputable”. Now, depending...

Episode 1B; A Confucian Morning (cont.)

Previously: “You can bring the tea, Xunzi”, Kongzi says speaking as though addressing the open window. “Right away master”, Xunzi hurries out again, giving his companion who has been waiting at the door a sickly leer. Here it is...

Episode 2A – Confucius and the Mohists; A Challenge from Above

With such confidence that he had found the way to the true Dao, you can imagine the consternation with which Kongzi would have viewed the emergence of competing ideologies. Many of the ideas in early Chinese thought exhibit close...

Episode 2B – Confucius and the Mohists: A Challenge from Above (cont.)

Previously: “My poor cherries,” Kongzi moaned, then hesitating a moment. “And why would the neighbours want to see the lake, they have nothing to contemplate. ‘Tian-a’, they couldn’t even see the Dao if it was before their noses.” While...

Episode 3A – Neo Confucianism; Old Paths, New Directions

After a period of unpopularity, a resurgence of Confucian thought began in the late Tang dynasty. Later, scholars such as Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming, determined to reintroduce or rediscover the true value of Confucian teachings in the Song...

Episode 3B – Neo Confucianism; Old Paths, New Directions (cont.)

Previously: Zhu’s philosophy rested on the idea that everything in existence could be divided into two groups, known as li and qi. Here li, translatable as “principle” refers to the structure of the universe, such that everything in existence...
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