
The Nanjinger

Section Head – Oct 2012 – Developing management culture – part 1

In association with Machwuerth Team InternationalThe development of a sustainable management culture is a difficult and complex process. This evolution may require modification to the fundamental way that managers go about doing their jobs; a type of change requiring...

Chinese Capital Investment

As long ago as May 2010, the State Council issued the Opinions on Encouraging and Guiding the Healthy Development of Private Investment (Guo Fa No.13) to encourage private capital investment abroad. In order to facilitate overseas investments and...

Don’t touch my mobile

The Trial Four defendants in China were recently accused of selling refurbished BlackBerry phones for profit without permission from Canadian owners Research in Motion Ltd. (RIM). Beginning in March 2009, a Mr. Liu and three others were alleged to...

Section Head – Sep 2012 – Retaining your Chinese talent – part 2

In association with Machwuerth Team International As discussed last month, a localised strategic retention system can decrease the turnover of staff within a company operating in China. This month we continue to explore practical options that can be of...

New Immigration Law

The National People’s Congress Standing Committee passed a new Exit-Entry Administration Law on 30th June this year to replace the Law of the PRC on Entry and Exit of Aliens and the Law of the PRC on Exit and...

Section Head – Aug 2012 – Retaining your Chinese talent – part 1

In association with Machwuerth Team InternationalHuman resources issues have become the most pervasive of problems for the majority of foreign based companies in China. Among such, nowhere is it more prevalent and severe than in the area of retention....

Section Head – June 2012 – Executive Coaching

In association with Machwuerth Team International Once associated with stigma (“Is your performance so bad that you need to be coached?”), Coaching has turned out to be a respectable and honoured symbol of success (“You are so valuable you...

Well known trademarks; well copied

Well-known trademark status was first defined in the original version of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Intellectual Property published on 20th March, 1883. Well-known trademark owners around the world benefit from relative advantages such as protection over...
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Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

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