
Using the Baby Changing Facilities on the Nanjing Metro


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Nanjing is continuing to take its baby steps toward being a truly international city, quite literally. Hence, we should be mindful of those with newborns and do some of the legwork. How to change a nappie on the Nanjing Metro?

First up, the basics. All newer lines on the Nanjing Metro system have baby-changing facilities installed at every station. By “newer”, we mean lines opened since 2021, i.e., Lines 5, 7 and S6. As for the remainder, baby-changing facilities are fewer and farther between, but common at interchanges and termini.

For this information in detail, readers can refer to The Nanjinger’s all-new map of the network, which details which stations have baby-changing facilities and the location thereof. The ever-popular map, available for free via this link, incidentally, also now includes information as to the location of toilets, as well as the long-standing feature that is the first and last times of trains out of every station. 

Back to those babies. This past weekend, The Nanjinger visited the baby-changing facility located in Yuantong Station. Having explained the purpose of our visit, staff were happy to introduce the operation thereof and even open the door to give us a sneak peek.

Photography was not permitted, but we can reveal the interior to be very adequate for purpose. Inside is a well padded comfortable armchair suitable for breastfeeding (not something generally done in public in China) and a table for changing nappies. 

Also important to know, while named in Chinese as “Mother and Infant Room” (母婴室; mu ying shi), The Nanjinger confirms that men are indeed permitted to use the facility.

Outside the locked door of each is advertised the number to call to gain access. In every case, this is the customer-service hotline of the station in question. Each begins, “025-5189”, with the remaining 4 digits of the number being specific to each station. In the case of Yuantong Station, that would be 025-51895031.

A call to these numbers will prompt staff to direct someone to come and unlock the door to the facility. For those with limited Chinese, it will be sufficient to use the simple phrase, “母婴室开门” (mu ying shi kai men).

Readers are also informed that 025-51899999, which is Nanjing Metro’s general customer-service number, may also be used, whereupon it is possible to be directed to the nearest station with a baby-changing facility.

By and large, the facilities are located either at platform level, or, especially in the case of above-ground lines, in the station hall a level below. If calling the number is off putting, chances are there will be a Nanjing Metro staff member around to whom gestures can be made. That you will also likely have a baby in hand should be of some assistance.

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