
A Multitude of Museums! A Deep Dive into Nanjing’s History, Culture & More

Nanjing Necessities


Jiangsu News

Note that the majority of museums in Nanjing are closed on Mondays. Others have even stranger opening times. It is advisable to call ahead to check.

For more multitudes of useful and interesting Nanjing locales, download The Nanjinger’s City Guide, or read it online, all for free, via this link.

Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders 侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆

418 Shuiximen Da Jie
86612230 / 18013959265
Located on a former execution ground and mass burial place of the Nanjing Massacre. Hours: Tue – Sun from 8:30 to 16:30. While entry is free, foreign passport holders need not register online prior; just turn up and join the special queue reserved for retired military, doctors, nurses and other qualifying categories of person. Head of said queue is located by the bus stop outside the Memorial on Shuixi Men Da Jie. Bring that passport.

Nanjing Museum 南京博物院

321 Zhongshan Dong Lu
One of China’s three national level museums, with over 430,000 items in its permanent collection alone. Admission is free with valid ID.

Nanjing Municipal Museum (Chaotian Palace) 南京市博物馆

4 Chaotiangong
World class museum presenting ancient pottery and earthenware, calligraphy, clothing, jade etc.

Nanjing City Wall Museum 南京城墙博物馆

1 Bianying, Xinminfang Lu, Qinhuai
Showcases the historical and cultural value of the Nanjing City Wall in terms of design ideas, construction techniques and heritage. Reservations via official WeChat account (南京城墙).

The Oriental Metropolitan Museum; The 3rd-6th Century 六朝博物馆

Changjiang Lu / Hanfu Jie
Constructed on the ruins of Jiankang Castle, visitors can see over 1,200 artefacts, including porcelain, pottery, epigraphs, stone inscriptions, calligraphy and paintings and even a section of the city wall.

Nanjing Jiangning Imperial Silk Manufacturing Museum 南京江宁织造博物馆

123 Changjiang Lu, Xuanwu District
Exhibitions of silk manufacturing, brocade, qipao and most interestingly, one dedicated to “Dream of Red Mansions”, in which one can experience settings where many events in the novel happened.

Rabe House 拉贝故居

1 Xiaofenqiao, Guangzhou Lu
German industrialist’s former home that served as a refugee shelter and saved thousands in 1937. Monday – Friday from 8:30 to 16:30.

Purple Mountain Observatory 紫金山天文台

Tianwentai Lu, Purple Mountain
Very first observatory to be built in China that is known as “the cradle of Chinese astronomy”.

Tangshan Homo Erectus Fossil Museum 汤山直立人化石遗址博物馆

Jiangning District, Tangshan Scenic District
Insight into the prehistoric life of the Nanjing cave couple, a pair of 600,000 year old skulls discovered in the Tangshan area of Nanjing in 1993. Designed by French architect Odile Decq. Closed on Mondays.

Nanjing Brocade Museum 南京云锦博物馆

240 Chating Dong Jie
Observe wooden looms producing the world’s finest brocade. Fabric is also available for purchase.

Nanjing Taiping Heavenly Kingdom History Museum 南京市太平天国历史博物馆

128 Zhanyuan Lu
Houses the largest collection of artefacts and documents from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Nanjing Science Museum 南京科技馆

9 Zijinghua Lu,Yuhuatai District
Hands-on fun and learning for kids. IMAX Cinema.

Nanjing Museum of Paleontology 南京古生物博物馆

39 Beijing Dong Lu
Full dinosaur skeletons, a mass of fossils from significant digs in China and an interesting lesson in local geology. Open at weekends only and a good choice when looking for something to do that doesn’t involve crowds. Bilingual.

Nanjing Folk Museum 甘家大院

15 Nanputing, Zhongshan Nan Lu
Visitors can study traditional Chinese architecture, including the so-called “99 and a half rooms”. Various displays of traditional folk art throughout the year.

Post Museum of the Republic of China 民國郵政博物館

1 Youju Lu, Zhongshan Scenic Area, Xuanwu
Small but dripping in history, being the place where Song Mei-ling, wife of Chiang Kai-shek, would mail her letters in the 1930s, together with the other famous dignitaries of the day. Bring a postcard to have it stamped. Wed-Sun; 9:30-11:30 / 13:00-16:00 Entrance is free; no reservation necessary.

Nanjing Museum of Odor 南京气味博物馆

4F, KIC Mall (Jin’ao Centre), 329 Jiangdong Zhong Lu, Jianye District 
Pick up from an array of jars and bottles and have a whiff; you might get “Baby Powder”, “Crayon” or perhaps “Dust”.

Nanjing Insect Museum 南京紫金山昆虫博物馆

26 Sifangcheng Xi Lu, Zhongshan Scenic Area, Xuanwu
One of only two insect museums in all of China, this is the place to meet the Maricopa harvester ant, giant centipedes, killer caterpillars, blood-sucking tsetse flies and killer bees.

Nanjing Sex Slave Museum 南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆

2 Liji Lane, Xuanwu 
Sits on the site of the only sex slave centre which has been confirmed as such by living former sex slaves. Over 14s only. Visitors should be neatly dressed. No photography. Reservations essential via WeChat (侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆) or by phone.

Sifang Art Museum 四方當代美術館

9 Zhenqi Lu, near to the Zhenzhuquan Scenic Spot 
More or less an airport jetway right beside Laoshan National Park. Yet, delving deeper in to Stephen Holl’s design (walls that conceal from the viewer any kind of distinct vanishing point) proves to be a more rewarding pursuit than trying to make sense of the art on display therein.

Nanjing Iron & Steel Museum 南京钢铁博物馆

30 Xingfu Lu, Xiejaidian Sub District, Liuhe
A bit out of the way on the northern bank of the Yangtze River but nevertheless an ideal opportunity for the younger ones to learn how steel is made. Therein, three floors of exhibition halls over 2,500 square metres trace 3,000 years of metallurgy history and 200 years of the local steel industry.

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