
Let’s Get Physical (2) Running and Baijiu


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What do running and baijiu have in common? “Oh no…no, I can’t run see… It’s my *insert body part of choice*” “OOOOhhh running. Yeah. No. I don’t do that. it makes me really out of breath.” “i never run with scissors. Actually those last two words are unnecessary.” I saw that on a t-shirt once.

Running is somewhat in the Marmite category, or to give you a Chinese alternative… err, I’m gonna go with baijiu here, or foot massages maybe. You either love it or, you hate it. Mostly, people hate it because it brings back hideous memories of compulsory Cross Country at school, it may you feel awkward or unsuccessful at it, or it hurts. so similar to the reasons why you might hate baijiu really, if you went to a school like mine anyway!

Here is something that may persuade you to try it (running, not baijiu). More than a handful of times. it gets results quicker than any other exercise I know. You get some serious bang for your buck here. One of the things that will eventually draw you in – and it will if you let it – is that you will notice progress quickly. This week you may be running for 2 minutes then walking for 2 minutes. but the third or fourth time you try it, you will notice it’s easier and so you find yourself running for 2 minutes and walking for just 1 minute.

Eventually, you’ll want to try out some new things; a new route, some intervals, some hills. You’ll want to get faster, and by new Year’s Day you’ll be such a pro that you’ll be like any other smug runner “I simply must go for a run, you know… sweat it out, feel alive. Now where is my new Christmas Garmin?” some of you will be reading this and be thinking “no way, not me”, but I tell you, running can become physically and mentally addictive.

I’ll let you into a wee secret. I am not built for speed. If runners were dogs, i would be a St. Bernard. I’ve got it all going on; serious body hair, ungraceful motion, tongue flapping in the wind. I go through trainers like baijiu drinkers go through Alker seltzer. As I approach the treadmill, facility managers tremble with fear at the maintenance bill of the machines. but I don’t care, because once I have my earplugs in and Taylor is telling me to “Shake it off ” I feel I can conquer anything, and you will too… you WiLL.!

Now we’re all travellers at heart here too, right? Running, can take you anywhere and as far as you want to go; from a fun 5k Colour Run in Shenzhen, to a 10k in Shanghai, to a half marathon at Angkor Wat, to the Marathon Des sables. I defy anybody to train themselves up for a local 5k run, to cross the finish line and say, “Naah… not for me. I think I’m gonna head back to the stationary bike with my magazine, or maybe I’ll try that walking backwards thing?” Not happening!

So, to get started, find your level. Do you need to check yourself out with the doctor first? Be sensible. Start easy, aim to run for 2 minutes and walk for 2 minutes for a total of 20 minutes, three times a week if you are a real beginner. If you find that easy, research a 5k training plan online. there are hundreds of training plans out there designed to push you just enough. I found one called “From Sofa to 5K”; there’s definitely one out there for you is what I’m saying.

All the other sensible things apply. If you are running outside, especially at the moment, consider early morning or late afternoon, stay hydrated, check the pollution levels. If you’re treadmill bound make sure you have one hell of a playlist to keep you going – you don’t want to be fiddling with your iPod half way through trying to skip Celine, lose concentration and whizz off the back of the mill. Not cool and not likely to see much action for your gym fee thereafter!

And remember, unlike baijiu, the run never takes more than it gives. I got that from a t-shirt too.

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