
Let’s Get Physical (4) Back to Basics; Moving More, Eating Better


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Tabata, H.I.T., insanity training, kale smoothies, powerplates, weighted hula hooping, juicing, hot yoga, ice baths… how many fitness and nutrition crazes have you been through? Not to say they are all bad but just to say that underneath it all there is a fairly simple recipe for getting fit. Move more, eat better. So here are my five golden rules. Stick to them and your body will change. Money back guarantee… if, of course, you had paid any money for this fine publication.

Golden Rule 1

Get your heart rate up: At least 20 minutes, 3-4 times per week you need to be doing cardiovascular exercise. Not everyone has a heart rate monitor, so work on the idea that you should be sweating, you should be out of breathe but able to talk; not hold a conversation of any intricacy, but be able to string together 3 or 4 words e.g “I can’t talk now!” You should not be feeling all that comfortable. And, for any new readers out there, don’t even dream of getting your book or a magazine out whilst you’re working out. You may allow your copy of The Nanjinger to nestle sweetly at the top of your gym bag, but that’s where the line is drawn.

Golden Rule 2

DO get weight training. Have we busted the myth that weight training does not equate to getting bigger, necessarily? What you need to know is, that if you want to change your body then weight training is 100 percent essential. Building lean muscle increases your metabolism, shreds flab and makes you strong. Resistance or weight training needs to be done at least 4-5 times a week. Make sure you balance your efforts; working on your legs, arms, core and back. Do not be afraid of weight or resistance training. The Internet is the best source of workouts that are ideal for you. Look at workout videos, and easy to follow training sessions you can do, even in a small hotel room.

Golden Rule 3

Eat right. Nothing crazy, people. Don’t go cutting out any food groups. Do not go nutty on any faddy craze. Get wise with your portions and make nutritious balanced choices. Abundant in vegetables and fruit, get plenty of lean protein (essential for building muscle), choose whole grains and avoid white rice, white pasta, bread and go easy on starchy potatoes. Also avoid eating (read that as “don’t eat”) processed foods, cakes, pastries, cookies, candy or chocolate. Remember also that calories come in liquid form also. Your slim-line gin and tonic is all very well and good until you’ve had three, and all of a sudden you have the restraint of my wife, with a credit card, in Zara. i.e. none.

Golden Rule 4

Consistency. Quite simple, you have got to stick to it. Come hell or high water, nothing gets in the way of your appointment with yourself at the gym; unless of course you really are sick. Set your intentions and stick to them. Importantly remember that it may take a while before you or anybody else notices a visible change in your body, but know and feel that changes are indeed happening and it will pay off. Motivate yourself with new recipes, with pictures on the fridge, with friends, with anything you like. Stick to your plan like Donald Trump sticks to his hair stylist. Get stubborn.

Golden Rule 5

Measure. What gets measured, gets done. Measure your progress; it will help motivate you. Measure your waist, chest, arms, thighs and hips about once every fortnight. Weigh yourself once a month, same time every month, preferably first thing in the morning, after you’ve been to the toilet, before you eat or drink, and naked. Weighing yourself is more about monitoring; not an ideal way to think about progress as such, but it can be an indicator. Using an app to measure your fitness progress can also be very motivating. Something like My Fitness Pal. Strava is great if you’re running or cycling outside too.

So there you have it. Everything you need to achieve your fitness goals. It’s simple and yet not at all easy. No weighted hula hoop necessary.

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