
Let's Get Physical

Let’s Get Physical (7) Tabattas; Earning that Bit of Brie

Well here we are again. Welcome back, or indeed welcome, to Nanjing! Home to us all, for now. So, how was your summer? Paradise by the pool? Long lunches at the lake? Boarding at the beach? Meandering in the...

Let’s Get Physical (6) The Core; Back to the Cheese Aisle

Core Blimey - it’s that time already! After weeks of is it or isn’t it(?), I think we can say that summer is here. Not least because it’s the time of year where in a matter of moments, the expatcrew...

Let’s Get Physical (5) What You Think You Look Like vs. What You Really Look Like

If you are ever in need of a short 5 minutes of procrastination, type this month’s headline in to Google Images. Hilarious.... and you know why? Because, funny things are often those things to which we can relate. It’s...

Let’s Get Physical (4) Back to Basics; Moving More, Eating Better

Tabata, H.I.T., insanity training, kale smoothies, powerplates, weighted hula hooping, juicing, hot yoga, ice baths... how many fitness and nutrition crazes have you been through? Not to say they are all bad but just to say that underneath it...

Let’s Get Physical (3) Hibernation; Summer Bodies are made in Winter

Remember those balmy summer mornings? The sun streaming through the cracks in the curtain signalling the start of another day? The birds singing at your window, cheering you on as you pull on your skinny vest top, ready to...

Let’s Get Physical (2) Running and Baijiu

What do running and baijiu have in common? “Oh, I can’t run see... It’s my *insert body part of choice*” “OOOOhhh running. Yeah. No. I don’t do that. it makes me really out of breath.” “i never run...

Let’s Get Physical (1) It’s a Home, Gym, but not as You Know it

“I can’t believe it, I forgot my sports socks“, Oops, no hair-band”, “Gotta collect the dog from the hair dresser”, “Pollution’s up”, “Battery on the bike is down”, “Raining”, “Snowing”, “Too hot”; just some of the things that prevent...
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