
The Harms of Internet Addiction to Minors


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According to the 39th China Statistical Report on Internet Development issued by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) on January 2017, there are some data that look like simply massive: the netizens of the P.R.C. had reached 731 million by December 2016; the number of netizens newly increased by 42.99 million; the Internet penetration was 53.2% and increased 2.9% over the end of 2015; the netizens below the age of 19 accounted for 23.4% of the total number of netizens of the PRC.

With the Internet as a key platform for minors in studying knowledge, acquiring information, exchanging thoughts, developing potentials, plus in leisure and entertainment, so does an excessive use of the Internet (so called “Internet Addiction”) bring a lot of harm to minors.

Recently, online live broadcasting has become popular in China. In recent days, the headline news has shocked many people, in which a 13 year-old junior high school student squandered ¥250,000 by rewarding an online live broadcasting anchor. The guardian of the girl is considering recovering the money by legal proceedings.

Preventing Internet Addiction

With Minors addicted to the internet usually displaying the symptoms of strong attachment, apathy, narrowed scope of interpersonal interaction and poor willpower, it is the responsibility of parents, schools and society to make common efforts at tackling the problem, by limiting time spent online, by cultivating other interests and hobbies and by educating minors on the harms of Internet addiction.

Protection of Minors Online by the Law

The Regulations on Online Protection of Minors (Draft for Review), hereafter referred to as the Regulations was published by the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council P.R.China on 6 January, 2017, and sought comments and opinions from the public by 6 February, 2017.

According to the Regulations, both family and school shall educate and guide the minors on proper use of the Internet, prevent and intervene in the Internet addiction of minors. The education, health, family planning and other departments shall, according to their respective duties, organise and conduct education on preventing minors from Internet addiction, and intervene wherein cases become reality.

The country will encourage the online game service providers to develop age certification and identification software, according to relevant national regulations and standards.

The online game service providers shall establish and improve gaming rules which are aimed to prevent Internet addiction among minors and make technical reformation for gaming rules which may cause Internet addiction in minors. These providers shall take technical measures to forbid minors from accessing games or gaming functions unsuitable for minors, restrict the time of consecutive use of the game, and the accumulative time of game use by minors in a single day, and forbid minors from using the online game services during the period from 0:00 to 08:00 each day, in accordance with relevant national regulations and standards.

The Cyberspace Administration of China and other departments of the State Council will establish a credit history and blacklist system with regard to online protection of minors.

It is hoped that the Regulations will come into force soon, and that minors may benefit more from the Internet while no longer being victims of Internet addiction.

This article is intended solely for informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Although the information in this article was obtained from reliable official sources, no guarantee is made with regard to its accuracy and completeness. For more information please visit or WeChat: dandreapartners.
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