
The Gavel

What is the Future of Foreign NGOs in China?

A Non-Governmental Organisation (“NGO”) is an entity that is neither a part of government nor a conventional for- profit business. Usually set up by citizens, NGOs may be funded by governments, foundations, businesses, or private people for different...

New National Security Law

China adopted its new National Security Law on July 1st 2015. It replaces the Counterespionage Law, which took effect in 1993, and seeks to put in place systems to manage laws and regulations, finance, materials, science and technology,...

Understanding Current Visa Laws

A constant headache for expats are China’s ever-changing visa laws. The most recent version of the Exit-Entry Law of People’s Republic of China aims at facilitating the importation of foreign talents and further regulate foreigners’ exit and entry...

Local Laws and Regulations

With the strong growth of China’s economy, an increasing number of people from Europe and America come to China seeking new job opportunities. According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the amount of foreigners working...

China Real Estate Market Investment

Enacted on March 1st, 2015, the “Interim Regulation on Real Estate Registration” published by the Sate Council aims to offer effective protection for real estate, and better maintain transaction security. Should a foreigner have the intention to purchase...

New PRC Investment Draft Law

19th January saw the publication of the draft for the new Foreign Investment Law (FIL) for comments and discussion.This draft represents a further step to align the various, currently divided PRC laws. One governs domestic investments, while the...

Labour In Foreign-Invested Enterprises

Since China has refined labour and employment legislations in recent decades, the employer-employee relationship is constantly evolving. Understanding rights and obligations helps to reduce misunderstanding and legal risks. Legal Documents in a “Healthy Labour Relationship” The labour contract...

New Catalogue for Foreign Investment

On November 4th 2014, MOFCOM issued the modified Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment (herein referred to as “Catalogue”). MOFCOM also solicited public opinion from November 4th till December 3rd 2014; if the general attitude is favourable,...
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Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

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News Snippets from Jiangsu