
Purple Mountain


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The Purple Mountain is one of the defining features of Nanjing, since it sits basically right in the middle of an urban area. The mountain itself is quite large, and has more tourist sites and trails than can be seen in a single day. However, Purple Mountain is not very high, and those climbing it usually find that it can be done in less than two hours from the bottom to the top.

One of the best places to start the ascent is the Cable Car Station (?????), which is reachable by the #20 bus. The cable car goes all the way to the top of the mountain, and tickets cost 40 RMB for adults and children over 4 years old. However, Purple Mountain is very easily climbable, and many may prefer to go on foot. When climbing the mountain, there are wide roads which can be driven on by cars, and small foot paths which area only accessible to walkers. Towards the top of the mountain, there is a staircase which goes straight park at the top.

A previously mentioned, there are many tourist sites on the mountain, including the Nanjing Aquarium, the Purple Mountain Observatory, Ling Gu Temple, and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s Mausoleum. There are even Ming Dynasty Tombs, the final resting place of the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Prices vary for these attractions, with the most expensive package tickets costing 80 RMB. Aside from historical or tourist sites, there are also a few lakes on the mountain, such as Zi Xia Lake, and the Nanjing Botanical Garden. During the spring time, tourists can also go to the Plum Blossom Mountain/Mei Hua Shan to view Nanjing’s city flower blossoming on hundreds of plum trees.

Again, the Purple Mountain has far more than can be seen in one day. Take some time on the weekends and explore, there are many things to find here.

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