
Jiangjunshan Scenic Spot


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OK, so the first thing you see when you enter Jiangjunshan Scenic Spot is a dilapidated bamboo shack on stilts reminiscent of the first Russian Roulette scene in The Deerhunter, but after you get that behind you, somewhat more joyful moments await. The pre-requisite communal BBQ pits are among Nanjing’s more pleasant (there is even a horse to cart away the rubbish) and both Yuefei Temple and Dragon’s Back are both worth the climb, while the boardwalk through the waterlogged bamboo forest along with a selection of rope walks and other activities make Jiangjunshan a popular location for many a local company’s team building trips. The fresh air hit that is Jiangjunshan is also a very welcome bonus. Entrance is free.

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