
Gyms / Sports Grounds

Club Frontier Asia

Founded in 2011, Club Frontier Asia now finds itself at Nanjing's centre of attention with new facilities in the fitness complex Quanmin Fitness Centre at Daxinggong Station. Touted as Nanjing's Premier Jiu-Jitsu Club, their display of trophies does everything...

Dyno Rock Climbing Gym

Having had to abandon their former glorious position on Wutaishan due to the YOG's Dyno Rock Climbing Gym has relocated the grounds of the Nanjing Normal University. Hidden at the far end of the campus behind basketball, football and...

Gym at Nanjing University

Biceps, triceps, abs or back; even if you are not a NU student you can use the gym at Nanjing University, for a paltry ¥5. While open every day from nine to nine, it is recommended to be...

Wutaishan Sports Centre

Wutaishan is home to a huge range of sports and activities;, including something for everyone. From gyms to a driving range, tennis basketball and yoga, all are available in or around Wutaishan.

Nanjing International Horseracing Course

International Horse-race-course Shi Shi Lu Nanjing Contact person: Alice Li ( perfect english speaking young lady) 18705177441 There is a lot of place for horse riding. You can also have a teacher. Over the week 180 RMB per hour...
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