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Top Dogs in Jiangsu and Victoria, Australia, Meet in Nanjing

Xin Changxing, Secretary of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, met Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, on 29 March. Victoria is a sister province to Jiangsu. Full story via this link.

New Jiangsu Province Cemetery Management Measures Take Effect 1 April

As Tomb Sweeping Day approaches and to promote ecological burials, the Measures stipulate areas of no more than 0.5 and 0.8 sqm for single and joint tombs, respectively. Full story via this link.

Germany’s Largest Port to See Freight Trains Arrive from Wuxi in Jiangsu

Train services to Hamburg were the focus of the China-Europe Railway Express (China-Germany) Economic & Trade Conference which opened in Wuxi on 21 March. Full story via this link.

Jiangsu Looks to Postdoctoral Talents to Address Major Technical Difficulties

The Jiangsu Department of Human Resources & Social Security has released a list seeking top candidates worldwide for the 2023 Excellent Postdoctoral Program. Full story via this link.

Prepare for Pre Enrolment in Jiangsu Vocational Colleges Tomorrow

The first round pre enrolment to vocational colleges in Jiangsu officially begins on 23 March. Candidates may register at Second round begins 20 April. Full story via this link.

440,000 TEUs on 5,000 Trains out of Jiangsu’s Lianyungang

The 5,000th China-Europe freight train out of the China-Kazakhstan Logistics Base in Lianyungang has begun its journey, departing on 13 March. Full story via this link.
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