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Who’s the Stowaway on the Ship in Zhenjiang? A 2 Metre Long Snake!

After dinner on 13 June, Captain Xu of the survey ship in question heard a strange sound from a box near the stern. Discovering the 2.4-metre king rat snake within, he immediately called Zhenjiang MSA to send in the...

无锡女子被“放屁虫”烫伤 屁温100度


“Fart Beetle” Scalds Woman in Wuxi with 100 Degree Flatulence

Playing with her mobile phone leisurely after walking home on a pleasant summer evening in Yixing, the lady felt a bug on her face. Instinctively slapping it, she suddenly felt a burning pain. Doctors remind to drive unknown bugs...



Siblings Separated by 1,200 Kilometres Reunited after 64 Years in Suqian

70-year old Mr. Yue called Sihong County Public Security Bureau on 11 June seeking his long-lost sister and brothers. Police were able to reunite them the following day and perform DNA testing which confirmed the family relationship. Full story...


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