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Hospital in Nantong in Trouble for Opening Ceremony’s Inappropriate Expressions

The Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University is apologising for staff treating the opening of a new ward in the Department of Hematology like a real estate bonanza when a low key approach is the norm. Staff have been criticised...



“4 Beauties” of Zhenjiang Promoted at 2024 Hong Kong International Travel Fair

Zhenjiang Culture and Tourism Group took the Fair, held from 13-16 June, as an opportunity to promote Zhenjiang's tourism resources and urban cultural history to the outside world. Cross-border tours and unique products to be launched soon. Full story...

徐州流浪汉遭城管殴打 事件正在调查中

网上流传的一段视频显示,一名身穿城管制服的男子对流浪汉拳打脚踢。当地街道表示,两人此前曾发生过争执,事件仍在调查中。 全文(英文)详见此链接;点此链接(英文)阅读有关徐州的最新报道。
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