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Dramatic High-Speed Car Crash Highlights China Highway Dangers

The National Day spike in traffic leads inevitably to more accidents on China’s roads. One incident in our own Jiangsu Province captured by surveillance cameras clearly shows the dangers associated with expressway exits, where many an accident takes place. It...


Shopping in Nanjing can avail one of everything the modern international urbanite could desire; home improvement, electronics & photography, art, international groceries, sports & outdoor, foreign language books and lots of wine! Home Improvement Living Story 欧洲生活馆 173 Shanghai Lu 上海路173号 13357702667 Compact boutique which...


Many of Nanjing's top-level service providers offer English-language service, including healthcare, legal, real estate, travel & transport, religious worship, beauty, consulting, pets, photography, media & design, notary & translation and hairdressing. Healthcare Taikang Xianlin Drum Tower Hospital – International Patient Center...

Tourism, Sport & Leisure

Nanjing has a multitude of hotels and hostels, resorts, spas and theatres. Then there are also the many museums, parks and other attractions. Hotels & Serviced Apartments Modena Block 3, No.399 Jiangdong Middle Road, Jianye District 建邺区江东中路399号3幢 68316666 Fresh and exuberant with easy access to key attractions, Modena...

Business, Education & Community

Nanjing has an array of providers of international education and language training, as well as related services thereto, together with business development agencies, community action-groups and charities. International Education The British School of Nanjing 南京英国外籍人员子女学校 16 Hanfu Lu, Jiangning District 江宁区韩府路16号 52108987 Provides expat families...

New in Nanjing? Suguo for Dummies to the Rescue!

Suguo is the "shop-on-every-corner" retail chain which is, by and large, a lifeline for Nanjing residents, keeping the overwhelming majority of the local populace fed, dressed, charged, and well, pretty much, just alive in general.  Suguo comes in many shapes...
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Latest News

Don a Red Dress, Lads & Ladies! And Run or Walk for Charity

Two Nanjing legends are coming together in a couple of weeks, united by a single colour; red. That would...

How Half the World’s Lenses for Glasses are Made in Danyang

Walking out of Danyang Railway Station that is just 25 minutes by high-speed train out of Nanjing, in Zhenjiang...

Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

Certainly it can be felt on the streets of Nanjing these days. Our city is once again “en vogue”...

Jiangsu Escapes

The Nanjinger