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不明漂浮物 (Unidentified Floating Object) 原来是一艘未经许可在张家港附近长江海域航行的自主航行器。 后经查明属于南通某测绘公司。全文通过此链接;通过此链接(英文)阅读有关苏州的绝对要点。



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Nantong; No Stopping China’s First Modern City

About Nantong (南通) In the history of modern China, Nantong set records as a kind of “city of firsts”. The new nation’s first museum, first textile school, first embroidery school, first drama school, and the first Chinese-run school for the...

Nantong to become 6th City in Jiangsu with a Metro, Tomorrow!

Nantong in our very own Jiangsu Province will tomorrow enrol in the club of cities in the Province with a metro system and at least one line therein. It shall join five others, including Nanjing of course, in bringing...
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Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

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Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

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