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Entire Shrimp Stuck in Lung of 60 Year Old Man in Changzhou

When feasting and chatting with friends on 25 June, Mr Wu thought nothing of the whole shrimp slipping into his airway. Only the following day, with severe chest pain, did Changzhou No.2 People’s Hospital remove it from his middle...



Thief Wearing Silicone Mask in Zhenjiang Reveals New MO for Criminals

Wearing the kind of silicone mask used in film and TV productions to disguise himself as much older, the broke into four homes, stealing more than ¥100,000 worth of property. Police advise vigilance as to the masks’ vendors and...

镇江小偷戴硅胶面具 揭秘犯罪新作案手法

小偷戴上电影电视中常用的硅胶面具,伪装成老人,闯入四户人家,盗窃价值超过 10 万元的财物。警方建议警惕这些面具的供应商和使用情况。全文详见此链接;点此链接(英文)阅读有关镇江的最新报道。



Step into a 19th Century Austrian Aristocrat’s Castle in Changzhou this Summer!

Lasting until 25 August at the Changzhou Museum, the exhibition of Austrian silverware mainly from the 800-year old Schwarzenau Castle shows the era’s manufacturing technology and the artistic aesthetics of the castle’s owner. Full story (in Chinese) via this...
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