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Minors’ Drowning Prevention undertaken by Power Supply Firm in Xuzhou

State Grid Xuzhou Power Supply Company has a complete visual monitoring system for its power transmission lines, many of which are near bodies of water. Upon seeing juniors swimming, a drone is dispatched to issue audible warnings. Full story...


7月5日,2024“夏玩三水 幸福泰州”七五旅游推介会举行,全地形车、房车、观光吉普车、露营装备甚至高空热气球等都争相亮相。全文详见此链接;点此链接(英文)阅读有关泰州的最新报道。

Self Driving Camping Leisure Equipment Exhibition Promotes Tourism in Taizhou

5 July saw the holding of the July 5, the 2024 "Summer Play in Sanshui, Happy Taizhou” tourism promotion event, with all-terrain vehicles, RVs, sightseeing jeeps, camping equipment and even high-altitude hot air balloons competing for attention. Full story...

¥220 Billion gone; Changzhou’s Richest Man Files for Bankruptcy

The story goes that Red Star Holdings chairman Che Jianxin began his working life as a carpenter after his bricklayer father’s vision that if he builds the house and his son makes the furniture, so an industrial chain would...

2200亿人民币化为乌有 常州首富申请破产

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