
Yangzhou girl suffers facial paralysis for burning midnight oil


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Yangzhou girl Xiao Du (alias) suffered from facial paralysis with slanted eyes and mouth because of cold, the fourth time in three years. An acupuncture expert from Yangzhou Hospital of TCM introduced that they receive more than 40 patients of this disease a month since winter began.

Xiao Du lives an irregular life, never having meals on time and always staying up late at night. A few days ago she was out for business and felt numb in the face because of the cold wind. When she got up the next morning, she found her mouth slanted.

It is learnt that Xiao Du’s immune system is weak due to long years of burning midnight oil and irregular lifestyle, so she is easily subject to facial paralysis, which, if happening frequently, will affect her facial nerves and maybe her appearance if she doesn’t take comprehensive treatment and adjust her living habits.

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