
Two Ladies, Three Balconies, Death Averted in Nick of Time


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Some ladies in Jiangsu have been getting into a bit of a fix with their balconies of late, in two separate incidents, in two cities, but with a degree of uncanny similarity. Were they just careless in hanging out their washing?

It was in the past few days in Zhenjiang City of our very own Jiangsu Province that a woman slipped from her balcony window on her apartment building’s fifth floor.

She’d now be dead too, or at the least very badly injured were it not for the awning extending outward from the building two floors below.

The canopy broke the woman’s fall and somewhat incredibly, withstood the impact without collapsing. The woman, knocked unconscious, was left lying there on top of the damaged awning.

But firefighters were soon on the scene, bringing with them a 15-metre ladder which they used to assist from below while the woman was hoisted successfully into the window of the third-floor apartment.

Elsewhere, it was the local SWAT team to the rescue when a senior lady found herself hanging outside her balcony.

It was on 19 September in the coastal city of Yancheng in eastern Jiangsu that the drama unfolded, reports The Paper.

Hanging from her fourth-floor balcony, it was obviously a moment of life and death. Knowing full well she could perhaps hang on for seconds rather than minutes, the SWAT team raced into the building.

In a dramatic video of the rescue captured by an officer’s body cam, applause is heard to erupt from onlookers gathered below as the lady is recovered into her home.

Quite what the old lady was doing or how she ended up in that predicament has not been reported. From The Nanjinger’s observations however, it is clear that Zhenjiang’s SWAT team has likely never moved so fast. Full kudos to them and those firefighters in Zhenjiang.

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