
CPR from 11 Year Old Saves 60 Year Old Sunstroke Victim


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When did you last hear of someone not yet a teenager performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to save a senior from cardiac arrest? Never, right? Yet that’s what happened in Jiangsu recently and now the hero has been recognised for his tremendous deed.

It was on 3 October during the morning flag-raising ceremony at Zhenjiang Experimental Primary School that Zhang Hong, a local citizen, took up a banner embroidered with the words, “In recognition of good youth’s bravery in saving the dying and healing the wounded”.

The recipient was Luo Xingxuan, an 11-year-old student in the school. Zhang had been chosen to present the award given that she was friends with the man whose life Xingxuan had saved.

As The Paper reports, Xingxuan and his family went to Dantu Rongchuang Ecological Park in Zhenjiang City on 3 October 3. That day was a scorching-hot 38 degrees Celsius.

Near to the family, a 60-year-old man suddenly fainted due to heat stroke. Xingxuan took it upon himself to stop others from moving the senior. He ensured that those around dispersed and them began administering CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ) to the man’s chest.

Zhang as witness said that after a few minutes, her friend woke up as ambulances arrived to pick him up.

Wang Yanbin, Vice Principal at the School, told the media that after citizens sent the banner to the school, Xingxuan’s deeds were introduced during the morning meeting. Recalling the dramatic few minutes, Xingxuan admitted he was nervous at the time, but that he simply saved people instinctively. 

After the ambulance crew assisted the patient, many other seniors on the scene gathered around to hug Xingxuan. It was only then he reflected that he had done a good deed.

Wang told the surging news that the school will regularly organize junior students to visit the municipal first-aid science and education experience centres to acquire more knowledge about first-aid. 

In addition, for more senior students, lectures shall be organised and experts invited to impart first aid knowledge, and guide children in carrying out simulated first-aid exercises.

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