
Courier Gun Case Cracked by Cops


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2 November 2017, the Public Security Bureau of Jiangsu in Taizhou announced its uncovering of a case involving the trade of firearms. Police seized 180 guns and accessories totalling more than 3,000 pieces. 14 people have been arrested in connection with the illegal trading.

During the investigation, police arrested a man named Shen and 14 others suspected of involvement in criminal activity. Police confiscated guns, barrel products, steel balls and also destroyed four production dens.

On a routine logistics delivery check of packages on 19 April, police found what they discovered to be a precision tube that was to be fitted to a weapon. Upon discovery of the tube, police further found that the sender had couriered an additional 3,000 parts across the country since March of this year.

Following this lead, officers set up an investigative task force and assigned experts to guide the case. During the investigation, it was discovered that Shen and other suspects had registered a shop online selling weapon accessories. Instead of selling whole guns, and in order to deceive authorities, Shen and his accomplices sold the guns in parts, ready for the buyer to assemble.

After months of investigations, police eventually launched a seizure involving forces across China, which resulted in 14 arrests. The suspects then confessed to possession and illegal profit.

At present, the Jiangyan District Public Security Bureau of Taizhou is still investigating the suspects and will take the appropriate measures according to law.

China maintains strict gun laws, limiting civilian legal possession to select ethnic groups for ceremonial dress and hunting purposes. However, weapons are still traded in China. Between 2006 and 2007, police confiscated approximately 178,000 illegal guns, 3,900 tons of explosives, 7.77 million detonators and 4.75 million bullets, according to China Daily.

In 2007, Public Security Ministry spokesman Wu Heping told China Daily, “Strict controls have helped China avoid a US-style gun culture… If there’s no access to the weapon, people cannot commit a gun crime”.

In China, those found guilty of the illegal selling of guns or explosives can face 3 years in prison or the death penalty.

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