
6,000+ Jiangsu Firms to Attend China International Import Expo (CIIE)


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Jiangsu province is fully prepared for the China International Import Expo (CIIE), announcing over 6,000 import firms are to attend the event in Shanghai.

Hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and supported by the WTO, CIIE will open on 5 November, 2018, and run for 5 days. Jiangsu firms attending the Expo will help to promote “opening-up” and “high-quality development”, announced the province’s official Facebook page.

In May of 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced, at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, that China will hold the Expo, beginning in 2018.

To be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, the Expo’s aim is to promote “actively opening the market to the world”.

However, “Opening the door is one thing and leaving it open is another. While the import expo or any such event signifies China’s readiness to open its market to foreign traders, the practical impact will be more important”, comments Romi Jain for The Diplomat.

China’s move to introduce the CIIE comes as a significant one, as it is envisioned to strengthen economic and trade cooperation, promote globalisation and “advance the development of an open world economy”.

The Expo, discussing major issues of foreign trade and improving a “global economic governance”, will be attended to by politicians, business people, exhibitors and professional purchasers from all countries. Cooperation and expansive trade will also be on the table for discussion.

Enterprises from over 100 countries and regions are expected to participate in the first CIIE. Supporting activities, such as supply-demand matchmaking meetings, seminars and product releases, shall also be held during the Expo, according to the Expo website.

In addition, CIIE will invite Chinese enterprises from across the country, as well as merchants from third countries to come and do business. It is estimated that 150,000 domestic and foreign professional purchasers will participate in the Expo.

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