
Vulgar Marriage Customs to be Outlawed by Nanjing District


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A Nanjing district is among many parts of China to be attempting the reformation of marriage customs. Supposedly rooted in rituals to expel evil spirits, some customs have been distorted to the extent they are now regarded as vulgar or even incestuous.

Jianye District in Nanjing has been confirmed as a “National Experimental Zone for the Reform of Marriage Customs”. It joins at least 14 other cities and districts all over China designated as such by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.

As syndicated by Sina Finance, it has been reported that the main task of the Experimental Zones is to curb unhealthy customs in marriage ceremonies. Commonplace customs deemed to be unhealthy include highly-expensive betrothal gifts, extravagance and waste, and vulgar activities.

The move comes as the Chinese populace has in large grown tired of such rituals over the past few years.

In our very own Jiangsu Province, the coastal city of Yancheng has a common local wedding custom that in fact alludes to incest between the groom’s father and his daughter-in-law. Footage of the custom taking place went viral in 2018 when a drunken groom’s father passionately embraced his new daughter-in-law. He then grabbed her from behind and forcefully kissed her in front of a banquet hall full of guests, reported the Global Times.

Defenders of the tradition pointed to the filial piety for which Yancheng is famed. He Linglong, an expert in the city’s folk culture, countered, “Some traditional culture has been ruined by the vulgar tastes of these people, which have turned wedding hazing from a relatively innocent folk custom to crude, offensive revelry”.

Bottoms, it turns out, feature prominently. Another popular wedding “game” often practiced in many places, including here in Nanjing, is one whereby the bride is made to identify her husband out of a group of other male guests by the feel of their bottom.

And the other key wedding participants rarely escape embarrassment. Bridesmaids can be molested in front of a jeering crowd and a groom made to wear women’s clothing before being tied up to a lamp post.

But’s not only about the headline-grabbing vulgarities.

Prior to the Experimental Zones, Jintai District of Baoji City in Shaanxi Province became a pilot zone for the scheme. In a total of 124 villages and communities, the Party Committee and the district government vigorously went about changing marriage and other family customs. Promoting a strong atmosphere of deriving glory from diligence and thrift, the pilot sought to expunge extravagance and shame.

Zhang Hongsheng is a villager in Dahuashu Village in Panlong Town of Jintai District. When his son was due to marry, he was prepared for a big operation. Finally, he was able to reduce the number of banquets under guidance from the village council. “The whole district now requires a simple marriage, with no more than 30 tables and no more than ¥300 spent per table”, he said. 

In the process, Zhang had saved more than ¥30,000. With the monies retained, he helped his son and daughter-in-law start a business.

But of course the true test is still to come. Will the Experimental Zones be able to help more people like Zhang to enjoy cost-cutting marriage ceremonies with less vulgarity but more frugality?

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