
Thinking of divorce? First enter the ‘Buffer Zone’…


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Around 5,000 divorces take place in China each day, producing a total of approximately 1.8 million for 2010. The figures have been growing at over 10% annually; a consequence of China’s economic transition that has the authorities concerned.

Jianye district in Nanjing has announced its plan to introduce so called “buffer zones” throughout its marriage (and divorce) registration offices. Its purpose is to reduce the number of divorces brought about by rash, abrupt decision making. The “buffer zone” is a room decorated in a style intended to calm would be divorcees; on the walls are painted slogans to evoke pleasant memories of family life and to encourage the couple to face life’s challenges together.

It is reported that the pilot scheme has already helped to save over 100 marriages, an encouraging 15-20% of those who originally sought a divorce.

Since its market-oriented economic reform started in 1978, China’s divorce rate has exploded. The country’s Crude Divorce Rate (number of divorces per 1,000 population) was just 0.33 in 1979. In 2009 it grew to three times higher than the rate in 2001 and five times more than that at the beginning of China

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