
Rainbow Trout IS Salmon, Says Chinese Aquatics Alliance


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Despite backlash the China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance (CAPPMA) has declared the two species Rainbow Trout and Salmon are the same.

The story has been circulating online for some time and in its wake causing quite the stir. It all began with a statement released by the CAPPMA that equated Rainbow Trout with Salmon.

People have interpreted this as a move by the government backed organisation to drive consumer profits up primarily for the financial benefit of its members.

The Alliance stands accused of “Mislabeling rainbow trout as salmon to trick buyers into paying the premium price of salmon for less expensive rainbow trout. [And] Consumers raised their voices to protest the deliberate mislabeling and question the health effects of potentially eating raw rainbow trout”, notes journalist Feng Jiayun from SupChina.

“We have salmon not rainbow trout. For me the two are not the same. They are different species that have been treated in the same way because they have a similar size and colour, but they are still not the same!!”, Company Owner of YINGOS imported meats and salmon Shanghai Speaking with The Nanjinger, Company Owner of YINGOS Imported Meats and Salmon Shanghai, Rodrigo

“In Chile at least 90% of the rainbow trout is sold to Japan because of its beautiful red/orange colour, which is perfect for sushi sold as salmon sashimi. Furthermore Atlantic salmon is pale orange and doesn’t work for that,” he said.

On 21 August 2018 a three-hour long meeting was held by the Shanghai Consumers’ Association whereby, according to The Paper, the CAPPMA stood firm on their opinion despite the presence of professors, lawyers, citizens and the media.

Representatives backed their case stating, “Salmon” is not a scientific name but “a versatile concept defined by its users,” … the association is unable to judge if the usage is right or not”.

People online stand their ground and remain furious that this is even in question and being debated in the first place. With some people insisting people from the association try eating raw rainbow trout for a year as an experiment to note any adverse health effects.

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