
National News

Rainbow Trout IS Salmon, Says Chinese Aquatics Alliance

Despite backlash the China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance (CAPPMA) has declared the two species Rainbow Trout and Salmon are the same. The story has been circulating online for some time and in its wake causing quite the stir....

Comatose Anorexic Wakes up; Forgets Disorder

21-year-old girl, Xiao Qian, a previous sufferer of extreme Anorexia Nervosa  on the brink of death, suddenly awoke from a coma and has reportedly forgotten ever suffering from the disease.  At 1.67 metres tall and weighing only 50 pounds, Xiao...

China’s Child Trafficking Problem its Unwanted Children

A young couple from eastern China’s Hubei province, who sold their baby girl online for ¥65,000, has brought the country’s child trafficking battle to the forefront again. The case further highlights a rejection to the country’s latest push for...

Was Romeo and Juliet Inspired by Chinese Valentines Day?

Today, you would have probably heard, is Chinese Valentines Day, a day much like its Western counterpart, whereby restaurants have an excuse to overcharge their male customers. True romantics, however, together with the less cynical, shall delight in knowing that the...

No Fan Bingbing for Bruce Willis and Mel Gibson

Chinese acting royalty and illustrious Fan Bingbing has seen her name tainted of late as her company continues to be embroiled in a tax evasion investigation.    As reported by Global Times, Fan’s name has recently been removed from a...

Have More Babies! China’s Concerns Over Aging Demographics

Slogans, posters, musicals and speeches; this has been China’s chosen method of mass communication for almost a century, the most recent of which has enraged the public over its precise message; have more babies. At the heart of the...

Nothing on the Menu; Tackling China’s Street Dogs Headache

The world has the general knowledge that the Chinese eat dog meat, and that dogs are not slaughtered in a humane manner. However, the world is also blissfully ignorant that China now has so many roaming street dogs, that...

High-Speed Train Sponsorship Reveals Future of Advertising

Many an alert reader may well have noticed that sponsorship has started appearing on the exterior of China’s now-legendary, high-speed trains. As the most visible sign of a future trend in advertising, the move once again serves to illustrate...
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Latest News

Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

Certainly it can be felt on the streets of Nanjing these days. Our city is once again “en vogue”...

Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

Suzhou’s GDP in the 1st quarter of this year topped half a trillion renminbi, a year-on-year growth of 7.9...

Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

Check in counters might be the oddest of places to hold an anniversary celebration for 45 years of ties...
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News Snippets from Jiangsu