
Old Man in Wuhan Snapped Viewing Last Sunset Cured of Covid-19


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After more than 2 months in a Wuhan hospital bed, an 87-year-old man who had become a star on the internet for for his moving gaze at a sunset, was today pronounced cured and discharged from hospital.

It all began on 11 February, when Wang Xin, who’d had a severe fever for nearly a week, was diagnosed with Covid-19 and admitted to Wuhan University People’s Hospital. 

Wang recalled that at that time he could only lie in bed all day, and could not turn over for more than 20 days. All his meals, bodily functions and other needs were tended to by a medical team from Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, in Wuhan like thousands of their colleagues, to assist local doctors and nurses.

On 5 March, Dr. Liu Kai, escorted the patient to do a CT scan. Along the way, he stopped to allow Wang a moment watching potentially his final sunset. A photo of the two figures looking at the setting sun, Wang bed ridden and Liu in full protective clothing, quickly went viral on the internet.

Wang was originally a violinist in the Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra. On 30 March, after learning that his carers were to return to Shanghai, Wang thanked them with a violin rendition of “Contemplation”.

At 1 pm today, 9 April, after receiving his “Victor” certificate and flowers from hospital dean, Xiao Hongjun, medical staff shared tearful embraces with their most famous patient.

Wang’s daughter put her father’s recovery down to the tender care of the medical staff and the positive and optimistic attitude of her father, reports The Paper.

As dischargee number 1,399 of Wuhan University People’s Hospital (East Campus), Wang has today been transferred to a rehabilitation centre for 14 days of isolation and medical observation.

Today’s victory for Wang shows the world the light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel. The emotional sunset photo, a moment in time which encapsulated the scale of human tragedy unfolding in Wuhan, today becomes a beacon of hope for all of mankind. 

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