
Nanjing Metro Line 2 “Holiday Stations” Reflect Festive Mood


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With the Mid-Autumn Festival in our wake and but 12 days until the National Day holiday, the current “in joke” on the Chinese Internet is, “What to do for the next 2 weeks?”. Unbeknown it may be, but in Nanjing it is possible to witness a holiday every day. That is, for users of Nanjing Metro Line 2.

While many of Nanjing’s metro lines are decorated following a particular topic; line 4, for example, being “Great Works of Kindness”; no less than 11 stations on Metro Line 2 have the theme of Chinese traditional celebrations, making them worth a second look as we approach National Day and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Nanjing University Xianlin Campus (南大仙林校区)

“Labour Day” (劳动节) is the theme here; the work combining stone carving and wrought copper embossing techniques to create a strong modern sense. In recognition of the festival, it is fitting that the depictions are of peasant workers celebrating Labour Day.

Maqun (马群)

With the theme of “New Year’s Day” (元旦), Maqun Station represents the coming of a new spring, epitomised by the expression, “The flowers will bloom and all things will live again”. Being carved into both the wall and the floor, the mural thus forms a three-dimensional painting. Additional reliefs on the walls make the whole picture come alive.

Zhongling Jie (钟灵街)

The wall of art within Zhongling Jie Station is based on the theme of “Winter Solstice” (冬至), adopting the artistic expression technique of traditional stone carving. With its blue-grey colour scheme as a perfect representation of winter’s quiet and cold, so too do the stone carvings capture traditional folk activities, such as the worship of Confucius, the making of dumplings and a keeping out of the cold!

Muxu Yuan (苜蓿园)

Herein, the theme is “Qi Xi Festival” (七夕). With decoration inside full of the elements of love, netizens have bestowed upon Muxu Yuan the title of ”the most beautiful station of the Nanjing Metro”. The top murals in the station are based on the love story of the Cowboy and the Weaver Girl, while 18 pillars are engraved with classic love stories from home and abroad.

Minggu Gong (明故宫)

The “Double Ninth Festival” (重阳节) gives Minggu Gong its theme, whereby a giant mural uses the artistic characteristics of Su embroidery to express the scene of the elderly climbing the mountain and other traditions, all in the name of warding of the excessive yang associated with the festival’s moniker.

Daxing Gong (大行宫)

The biggest festival of them all is reserved for Line 2’s most significant station. Yes, every day is “Spring Festival” (春节) at Daxinggong. The mural is a colourful “Great New Year’s Folk Painting”, portraying Spring Festival, New Year’s Eve, firecrackers and other popular activities. Ten representations of doors in the shape of fans are carved on the mural, each with the with the character “福”, meaning good fortune, happiness or luck.

Mochouhu (莫愁湖)

Given its suitability for the annual dragon boat races, it is appropriate that the station named after Mochou Lake carries the theme of the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节). See the waters raging as the dragon boat takes on various forms, in this lifelike recreation of the fierce scenes before every such competition. The addition of the platform seat, inspired by the combination of water and traditional rice dumplings, further reflects the atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Yunjin Lu (云锦路)

With “Qing Ming Festival” (清明节) as its theme, murals in Yunjin Lu station are designed according to Tang Dynasty poet, Du Mu’s “Qijue Qingming (七绝清明)“ verses. The misty and rainy portrayal outlines the earth’s rejuvenation during the Qingming time of year, symbolising the beginning of the new season and new hope.

Jiqingmendajie (集庆门大街)

Based on the theme of the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节), the art wall herein is characterised by traditional stone carvings, representing the festival’s folk customs, such as eating a reunion dinner and worshipping the moon. In addition, the columns in the station hall are based on the round shape of the moon, carrying the theme of “Perfect Happiness” (花好月圆), which create a festive atmosphere by combining traditional cultural elements, such as moon cakes and peony calligraphy.

Xinglong Da Jie (兴隆大街)

With the transparent roof flooding Xinglong Da Jie station with natural light, standing in the station’s atrium is a huge mural, 9 metres long and 3 metres high, on which are portrayed 56 people dressed in various national costumes dancing and flanked by flags, most suitable for the station’s theme that is “National Day” (国庆节).

Yuantong (元通)

The theme of Line 2 Yuantong Station is “Spring Lantern Festival” (元宵节). Exits in the station are decorated with pictures of children bestowed with lanterns, forming the humanoid text “团团圆圆” (reunion). With background lighting constantly changing colour, the station is forever filled with a festive atmosphere.

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