
It’s Military Training Time for China’s High School Freshers!


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Compulsory military training for students beginning their life in high school is once again upon us. While part of the Communist Party of China’s education policy, schools do make allowances, meaning the students’ experience is not entirely 100 percent that of real soldiers.

Military training is a hallmark of August life for high school freshers in China. Usually lasting for a 1-week period, the training is intended to improve the new students concept of national defence and cultivate their awareness of national security.

Looking to Zhengzhou in Henan Province as an example, on 13 August, the City’s No. 44 Senior High School officially kicked off their military training that is the first ideological and physical class for the new high schoolers. 

Vice President of the School, Liu Changgeng, addressed all those gathered. “Students, during the military-training period, everyone must strictly demand of themselves, develop a sense of teamwork in a class that does not abandon or give up, and always maintain a tenacious military demeanour in the face of harsh weather tests”, said Liu.

That said, the harsh weather to which the VP was referring in our very own Nanjing in August is of course heat. In order to prevent students from feeling unwell, many local schools have adopted measures such as staggered military training to avoid the peak heat of the day, preparing heatstroke-prevention medicine and bottled water. Schools have also formulated emergency plans to ensure that military training is carried out in a safe and orderly manner.

Back in Zhengzhou, the VP was not done yet, as has reported. Liu said, “7 days later, when you students gather again in the classroom, you will find that a team spirit of unity, cooperation, mutual help and love has solidified a new class group that is high-spirited and forging ahead. A family”.

Before the training officially commenced, it was then over to Tu Yiqing, a Grade 10 student representative to express the expectations of all fresher reps. 

She said, “From today onwards, we bid farewell to squeamishness and challenge ourselves. After 7 days of sharpening and hard training, our bodies will be strong and powerful, our minds more tenacious and mature”. 

China’s military training is not only a severe test of perseverance, but also a valuable experience for those about to begin high school, one that makes them accept challenges and bring about a sharp change in their growth.

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