
Five Hour Foodie Frenzy to Xi’an


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New railway line Xuzheng (dubbed the food line) is set to connect Xuzhou with Zhengzhou, thus opening up Xi’an, Taiyuan and Shijiazhuang for a high speed train service from Nanjng this September that will cut travel between the two ancient capitals to just five hours.

No need to travel all the way up to Beijing and down again if it is Xi’an you are interested in seeing. One of the oldest cities in China and its first capital city, Xi’an is most famous for it’s terracotta worriers, biang biang noodles and lamb dishes.

Along the way, the four major stops comprise Zhangzhou, Xi’an, Taiyuan and Shijiazhuang, while Nanjingers can also stop off and enjoy the local food and splendour of seven additional destinations, namely Xuzhou, Dangshan, Shangqiu, Mingquan, Lankao and Kaifeng.

Known as “Xu”, Xuzhou (Jiangsu) boasts a rich 2,600 year old history and is said to be the birthplace of Han culture. It is believed this ancient capital, Pengcheng (Xuzhou), was also home to an early Buddhist organisation consisting of foreign monks and Chinese scholars. Take a wander around “Cloud Dragon Mountain” and tuck into some Xuzhou Chicken with pan-fried bread, Pengcheng fish balls and pork belly stewed in a thick broth.

Known as “The World’s Pear”, be sure not to leave Dangshan (Anhui) without some of its nickname, as well as tea, bean foam, chili paste, charcoal biscuits and peppered fish.

Dating back to the 25th Century BCE, and formerly named Nanjing, Shangqiu was the first capital of the Song dynasty. Visit China’s first observatory while munching on some steamed lotus leaf.

Mingquan is a small town in Henan province that again boasts an extremely long history. Tibetan mountain temples are ready to be explored along with the Chuang Tzu tomb. Here you can enjoy white wine and sweet twisted pastry.

Further down the line, discover the grain and cotton producing Lankao while observing noodle masters prepare ten-metre long noodles in traditional flavours with over a hundred years of history.

As the home of chrysanthemum, Kaifang has spent over 1,600 years developing different types of the flower. Among other foods on offer, try soup dumplings, peanut cake and steamed mutton, along with some of Kaifang’s famous five spice bread while wandering around the night markets.

Of great economic importance and known to be the “road to prosperity”, prehistoric Zhengzhou is stacked full of history; while you are there try some Henan special noodles, asparagus cake and carp.

With the Xuzheng connecting line set to open in September, there is sure to be great demand for tickets from Nanjing to Xi’an. Not only is there all that great food to look forward to, why fly when you can enjoy all the scenic pleasures of a train?

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