
After the College Entrance Examination; What to Do if You Fail? 


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With the ringing of the bell at the end of the last exam, 10 years of enforced academia disappeared instantly. Walking out of the examination halls, students instantly hit the malls, cinemas, restaurants; anywhere they could to release their youth.

The 2023 College Entrance Examinations in Jiangsu came to a close on 10 June. Candidates now need to wait it out until, it is estimated 20:00 on 24 June, to find out their results.

The interim, according to experts, is a most difficult period.

Some students go on a spending craze. Others party excessively, while still others remain anxious all day long over their possible results. The pressure may be off, but that too leads to psychological ups and downs for candidates.

On 11 June, Fang Jie, Director of the General Psychiatry Department of the Zhenjiang Mental Health Centre, spoke with reporters for the Yangtze Evening News.

Appropriate psychological adjustment is the key.

Fang said that from a psychological point of view, the end of the College Entrance Examinations means a change in the state of life. It heralds the end, not only of high school, but also adolescence. The former student is about to enter college or society as an adult. This transformation can lead to an identity crisis.

After the Exams, the unified-life model created by school and family is broken. Students suddenly have their own time, free of constraints imposed by the two dominant forces in their lives.

“Shopping, surfing the internet, partying and the like are a way of  growing psychologically. If such behaviour is within a reasonable limits, they can be regarded as a way to become a part of society, but if they are excessive, they will bring about most negative effects”, warns Fang.

As their academic responsibilities suddenly come to an end, a huge sense of emptiness will hit the candidates. Hence, many indulge without restraint. 

Fang points out that from a social point of view, family and a student’s peers all impact their psychological state. If parents’ expectations are too high, but the reality is their child does not meet them, a strong sense of frustration or self blame is the inevitable result.

For those not satisfied with their results in this year’s College Entrance Examinations, experts put forward the following suggestions:

  • Learn to accept. No matter the score, realise you must accept the results. Since you can’t change the past, concentrate on that with which you are relatively satisfied. Make an appropriate plan for your future life path.
  • Learn to reflect on yourself. The Exams are an experience on the road of life and also an opportunity to reflect on yourself. Candidates should learn to think about how their own learning methods, time management and other factors create individual differences. Only by constantly reflecting on life and drawing the appropriate lessons, i.e. not being overshadowed by sadness and depression, can we gain the motivation to move forward from the past.

At the same time, it is very important for family members to be patient and understanding. When their children experience anxiety, depression, helplessness, insomnia, etc., parents should be there for them.

“We need to use a multi-dimensional and diversified evaluation system and [have] a tolerant attitude to discover everyone’s strengths”, said Fang. “[This is] a more positive and healthy attitude to help children grow up and enter the next stage of their lives.”

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