
2012 China Nanjing Emerging Industries Promotion Seminar Held in Beijing


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The CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee and the Nanjing Municipal People’s Government held the 2012 China Nanjing Emerging Industries Promotion Seminar at Beijing Shangri-La Hotel on October 29. Standing Committee Member of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and Party Secretary of the CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee Yang Weize, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Liu Lihua, and Vice Minister of Commerce Chong Quan each gave inspiring speeches, while Nanjing mayor Ji Jianye underscored the development of emerging industries and related key projects in Nanjing. The event was designed to lure Global 500 as well as renowned multinational and domestic companies to invest in Nanjing, in a move to highlight the city as the location of choice for emerging industries and for regional corporate headquarters.

The seminar’s theme of “Developing Emerging Industries” encapsulates the event’s chief purpose: telling the story of the industrial transformation of Nanjing, and stressing the city’s development plan for emerging industries by putting in place supportive policies and creating and attractive business environment. The event aimed at developing key emerging industries including life sciences, new display technology, software and information services, energy efficiency and environment protection as well as smart grid and logistics, by promoting communications and cooperation among multinationals, China’s state-owned companies and other major domestic players. A series of influential projects that are on top of the industry chain were announced at the event, in a move to persuade multinationals to choose Nanjing as the city in which to locate their regional headquarters and research centers.

Besides Nanjing’s cultural attraction of having a history going back many millennia and being one of the cradles of Chinese civilization, the city is one of the key regional centers along the Yangtze River Delta. To date, companies from 112 countries and regions worldwide have invested in more than 12,000 projects in the city, with utilized foreign capital to date amounting to US$25.7 billion. Ninety-three of the world’s 500 largest companies have established a presence in Nanjing, making the city one of the most attractive foreign capital destinations in China. The city has entered into a technology and innovation-driven scientific development stage. Nanjing was a major player in China’s opening up policies and now seeks to acceleration its overall transformation, by consolidating its efforts in becoming both an international city and an industrial powerhouse. The city seeks to attract multinationals and boost the development of strategic emerging industries with global competitiveness by taking advantage of a diverse pool of top talents together with rich scientific and teaching resources, by enhancing its support policies and through the timely establishment of a public service platform. In line with the goal of transforming itself into an international city, Nanjing will focus on attracting multinational companies and nurturing its talents to improve its overall economic strength. The seminar is part of the city’s concrete measures in implementing these international economic development strategies.

The event represented the largest conference hosted by Nanjing to date to promote emerging industries in China, with top industry players attending. It attracted more than 400 attendees, including heads and representatives from more than 10 foreign commerce chambers including AmCham China, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and the China-Britain Business Council, the local offices of foreign companies operating in China and 84 foreign Global 500 companies including J.P. Morgan, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Bosch, GlaxoSmithKline, Alstom and LG Electronics, renowned multinational corporations as well as 39 Chinese firms under the aegis of the central government including China State Shipbuilding Corporation, China National Machinery Industry Corporation and China North Industries Group Corporation. The event, with its distinctive theme, its “unique selling proposition”, its wide array of activities and a focus on effectiveness, will play a positive role in deepening exchanges and cooperation between leading Chinese and foreign companies and organizations, assisting Nanjing in accelerating the introduction of quality international resources and in maximizing the utilization of foreign investment, while helping the city participate in the international division of labor at a higher and deeper level, and converting the city into a base that connects international emerging industries and regional headquarters of multinational corporations.

SOURCE: Nanjing Municipal People’s Government press release

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