
19 n-CoV Patient Movements Released in Search for others


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Health authorities in China have started releasing data as to the recent movements of those infected with the coronavirus that spread from Wuhan. People who discover that their movements correspond with those infected are instructed to remain at home in quarantine. 

Two cities in Jiangsu province, Nanjing and Nantong, have taken the steps so far. Each details the public transportation of confirmed 19 n-COV cases, where known, including the timing of their use of trains, metro or buses.

They have been joined in the past few hours by Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, together with Changzhi and Xinzhou, both in Shanxi Province. It is expected that other cities will follow suite, depending on data availability.

Measures for those in Contact with 19 n-COV Patients

The New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Prevention and Control Headquarters has stated that anyone who was on the same train, bus or metro as the patients detailed below should contact their residential compound management team. 

They should remain at home until 14 days since their contact with the infected.

In the case of fever or cough, they are to wear a mask and go to the fever clinic in a designated hospital. They must not take public transportation and should ensure to tell doctors that they may have been in close contact with a pneumonia patient suspected of the new coronavirus infection.

Here in Nanjing, the data as to the recent movements of three patients has been released.

Patient 1 took Metro Line 3 at 16:30 on 18 January from Nanjing South Railway Station to Daxinggong, where they transferred to Metro Line 2, journeying to Xi’anmen. From there they walked to the outpatient building of Nanjing Eastern Theatre General Hospital, arriving at 17:15. At 18:00, they returned to Xi’anmen to take Metro Line 2 to Daxinggong, transferring to Metro Line 3 and travelling to Liuzhou Dong Lu. They then took Bus 692 from Jiangshan Lu’s Mingjiang Lu stop to get off at the Daqiao Bei Lu stop on  Puzhu Lu. On 19 January, at 13:36, they boarded bus 637 at the Daqiao Bei Lu stop on Puzhu Lu and journeyed to Pukou Hospital. At 14:33, they took bus 692 from Puyuan Bei Lu’s Pudong Lu stop to the Lehua Lu stop on Puzhu Bei Lu. At 14:43, they transferred to bus 558 to the Chenghecun stop whereupon they walked to Nanjing  No.2 Hospital.

Patient 2 visited the Hanzhong Men branch of Auchuan from 16:15 to 17:54 on 18 January. At around 10 am on 20 January, they took bus 48 at the Chating Dong Jie stop to get off at the terminus.

Patient 3 took Metro Line 1 from Nanjing South Railway Station at 16:17 on 21 January, getting off at Andemen at 16:30.

Telephone Hotlines for those Quarantined at Home

A 24-hour hotline  has been made available for use by those in isolation at home. There is a different number for each district and area of Nanjing, as follows.

  • Xuanwu: 83682072
  • Qinhuai: 87753722
  • Jianye: 87778911
  • Gulou: 83401049
  • Yuhuatai: 52873890
  • Qixia: 85570386
  • Jiangning: 69640762
  • Pukou: 58882103
  • Liuhe: 57122120
  • Lishui: 57212449
  • Gaochun: 57311235
  • Jiangbei New Area: 58050032

An additional city-wide hotline has also been set up: 68787761.

Elsewhere, Chinese citizens are also now armed with an additional information tool, in the form of a real-time monitor of the number of 19 n-COV cases, together with other useful updates. The monitor has been put together by (丁香园), an online healthcare platform.

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